The Art of War: MoMA Acquisitions 1940-1949

Please check out my digital humanities project on acquisitions by the Museum of Modern Art.

A brief preview of the project goals:

The 1940s were a significant decade in relation to the Museum of Modern Art’s acquisition habits. The decade marked a shift in their acquisitions from a focus on European art to a focus on American art. The MoMA continued to seek out French works and works that could not be identified culturally, but American art triumphed during this time. The museum was understandably affected by the events surrounding World War II, and a quick scan of MoMA acquisition records opens the door to many questions, such as:

  1. What role, if any, did the MoMA play during the war effort? 

  2. What did support of the war look like in terms of exhibitions and art acquisition?

  3. How did the war affect the habits and demographic of donors during this time? 


I’m on a podcast!